Please call us on 8155 6070 to enquire about vacancies at Westside Housing.

Crisis information below


Homeless Connect SA

Phone 1800 003 308 (24 hours)
Homeless Connect SA is a 24/7 telephone service which can help you with support and access to emergency accommodation in South Australia.

Domestic Violence Crisis Line

(prev. Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service)

Phone 1800 800 098 (24 hours)

The Domestic Violence Crisis Line is a statewide service offering assistance to women experiencing domestic violence in South Australia by providing information, counselling and safe accommodation options.

Youth Gateway

Phone 1300 306 046 (weekdays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or freecall 1800 807 364

The Youth Gateway (Trace-A-Place) is a service aimed specifically at young people aged between 15 and 25 in South Australia who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.  This includes young parents with children.

Pets and housing

The State Government provides information on pets in private rental properties.

RSPCA – Safe Kennels DV Project

Phone 1300 4777 222

The RSPCA Safe Kennels DV Project provides emergency boarding for the pets of people affected by domestic violence.

Safe and Secure Housing Program

Phone 1800 595 212

The Safe & Secure Housing Program provides support for women and their children who are in crisis accommodation due to domestic and family violence to transition to secure housing.